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Moot Shanghai 2023|完美闭幕

2023-03-19 16:00:09  来源:中国金融商报     编辑:翟晓燕

第十三届Moot Shanghai 决赛暨颁奖典礼于3月17日北京时间下午14:00在中国金融信息中心3楼上海厅举行。典礼上颁奖嘉宾公布了赛事个人冠军、亚军和季军、个人优胜奖以及团体冠亚军。经过历时4天的激烈角逐,北京大学和巴西圣保罗天主教大学代表队从20支队伍中脱颖而出晋级总决赛。

总决赛由Withersworldwid国际仲裁和诉讼合伙人董希琳女士担任首席仲裁员,Paul Hastings律师事务所合伙人严嘉先生和Adaltys律师事务所合伙人Alban RENAUD担任仲裁员。

经过一个半小时的精彩对决,北京大学一举夺魁,成为Moot Shanghai 2023总冠军。

The 13th Moot Shanghai Grand Final and Awarding Ceremony was held at China Financial Information Center at 14 p.m. on March 17. At the Awarding Ceremony, the Award Presenters announced the Best Oralist, Runner-up and the 2nd Runners-up Oralists, Honorable Mentions and the Champion and Runner-up Teams. After four days of intense competition between 20 teams around the world, Peking University and Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo advanced to the grand final.

Ms. Sherlin TUNG, Partner in the international arbitration and litigation team of Withersworldwide is the Presiding Arbitrator, and Mr. Jia YAN, Partner of Paul Hastings LLP's Corporate Department and Mr. Alban RENAUD, Partner of ADALTYS Avocats are the Co-arbitrators.

After an exciting one-and-a-half-hour hearing, Peking University won the Champion of Moot Shanghai 2023.

颁奖典礼以今年Moot Shanghai比赛集锦的短片开始,随后由合作律所代表为参赛队伍颁发参赛证明,仲裁员代表宣布个人优胜奖项,支持机构代表国际商会仲裁与替代性争议解决北亚地区副主任贺薇蓉女士、新加坡国际仲裁中心中国区战略和事业发展经理沈冬卉女士为团队八强颁奖;联合主办方代表上海仲裁委员会孙海华副主任、上海国际仲裁中心王唯骏秘书长为团队四强颁奖。随后,决赛评委代表严嘉律师、Alban RENAUD为个人季军、亚军、冠军颁奖。主办方代表华东政法大学副校长周立志教授揭晓了此次赛事的最终悬念,他宣布了本届赛事的团队冠军是北京大学巴西圣保罗天主教大学获得亚军。

个人奖项中,北京大学国际法学院的魏小乔获得个人冠军,湘潭大学黄靖淼获得个人亚军,巴西圣保罗天主教大学Carolina González da Paz获得个人季军。巴西圣保罗天主教大学Fernando Nolasco Mentone、上海对外经贸大学的沈思贤、华东政法大学的王翼族、对外经济贸易大学的林兮、北京大学国际法学院的司哲源、大连海事大学的王慧妍获得个人优胜奖。

The ceremony started with a short video of this year's Moot Shanghai competition highlights. Then, the representatives of Collaboration Partners presented the Participation Certificate to teams. The Honorable Mention winners were announced by the representatives of Guest Arbitrators. Representativs of Suppoprting Organizations Ms. Vera HE, Deputy Director of ICC Arbitration and ADR for North Asia and Ms. Vanessa SHEN, SIAC Strategy and Development Manager(China) presented the Quarter-Finalist Awards to teams. Representatives of Co-organizers Mr. Haihua SUN, Vice President of Shanghai Arbitration Commission and Ms. Weijun WANG, Secretary-General of Shanghai International Arbitration Center presented the Semi-Finalist Awards to teams. On behalf of the Grand Final Tribunal, Mr. Jia YAN and Mr. Alban RENAUD presented the awards to the Best Oralist, Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up Oralists of Moot Shanghai 2023. Prof. Lizhi ZHOU, Vice President of East China University of Political Science and Law announced the revealed suspense of the competition and announced that the Champion goes to Peking University, and Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo won the Runner-up.

Best Oralist is Xiaoqiao WEI from Peking University School of Transnational Law; Runner-up Oralist is Jingmiao HUANG from Xiangtan University; 2nd Runner-up Oralist is Carolina González da Paz from Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo. Honorable Mentions are Fernando Nolasco Mentone from Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Sixian SHEN from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Yizu WANG from East China University of Political Science and Law, Xi LIN from University of International Business and Economics, Zheyuan SI from Peking University School of Transnational Law and Huiyan WANG from Dalian Maritime University.

颁奖典礼上,华东政法大学副校长周立志教授和上海政法学院副校长郑少华教授分别致辞。Moot Shanghai作为仲裁领域内具有影响力的活动,聚焦当下,紧跟时事,致力于培养大学生在仲裁领域内的法学素养与应用能力。两位教授在致辞中回顾了本次比赛的历程,并表达了对此次参赛的同学们的殷切希望和对仲裁发展的美好愿景,希望当下的法学青年及对仲裁感兴趣的大学生们都能积极学习国际仲裁规则,争做具有国际视野的涉外法律前沿人才。

At the Awarding Ceremony, Prof. Lizhi ZHOU,Vice President of East China University of Political Science and Law and Prof. Shaohua ZHENG, Vice President of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law delivered speeches respectively. As an influential activity in the field of international arbitration, Moot Shanghai always keeps up with the pace of the development of the world and focuses on the fostering of legal literacy and practical skills of university students in the field of arbitration. In their speeches, both professors reviewed the history of the competition and expressed their sicere hope and vision for the development of arbitration for the students participating in the competition, hoping that young law students and those interested in arbitration today will actively learn the rules of international arbitration and strive to be the leading talents with international vision in legal profession.


The competition is organized by East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) and Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL), and it is co-organized by Shanghai Arbitration Commission (SHAC) and Shanghai International Arbitration Centre (SHIAC). The competition is supported by Shanghai Bar Association, Moot Alumni Association, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, Wolters Kluwer. Moot Shanghai 2023 is sponsored by Adaltys, Hui Ye Law Firm, Clifford Chance, CMS, Dentons, DLA Piper, Fangda Partners, Global Law Offices, Hankun Law Firm, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Hui Zhong Law Firm, Jin Mao Law Firm, Jincheng Tongda & Neal law Firm (JT&N), Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP, TianTong Law Firm, Shanghai United Law Firm, Yuanda Winston and Zhonglun Law Firm.

Moot Shanghai 我们明年再会!

See You Next Year!

Moot Shanghai 2023

